
About Us

Welcome to Bahrain boats! We are a premium kayak business dedicated to providing exceptional kayaking experiences for all levels of enthusiasts.










An overview of who we are

Who are we ?

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What do we do?

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Why us?

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Kayaking is an adrenaline boosting recreational activity, an exciting hobby for many, an extreme sport for some. It is an extremely popular watersport today, represented by more than 10 whitewater kayaking events in the Olympics.


kayaking is as exciting as it was thousands of years ago, when it was invented by the indigenous peoples of the Arctic region.

Early years

Kayaks made hunting easier by being incredibly quiet, lightweight, and fast. They also allowed amazing maneuverability in the difficult terrain or shallow water.

Early years

They were built either from wood (often driftwood) or whale skeletons for the frame and animal skin for the body.

Early years

Nowadays, kayaks can be made from a wide range of materials, such as fiber glass, plastic, rubber, carbon fiber, and even metal.

Modern years

Kayak materials are chosen based on the design and intended purpose, with many modern kayaks being used for non-intrusive and eco-friendly activities like ecotourism.

Modern years

Kayak is not solely a “hunter’s boat” anymore, but it is valued just as much as when the life itself depended on it. Nowadays, kayak is the means to stay fit and healthy, enjoy the great outdoors, venture into the nature, discover the world anew, or just an opportunity to try a new hobby.

Modern years

1 Introduction

Kayaking is an adrenaline boosting recreational activity, an exciting hobby for many, an extreme sport for some. It is an extremely popular watersport today, represented by more than 10 whitewater kayaking events in the Olympics.

2 Early years

kayaking is as exciting as it was thousands of years ago, when it was invented by the indigenous peoples of the Arctic region.

3 Early years

Kayaks made hunting easier by being incredibly quiet, lightweight, and fast. They also allowed amazing maneuverability in the difficult terrain or shallow water.

4 Early years

They were built either from wood (often driftwood) or whale skeletons for the frame and animal skin for the body.

5 Modern years

Nowadays, kayaks can be made from a wide range of materials, such as fiber glass, plastic, rubber, carbon fiber, and even metal.

6 Modern years

Kayak materials are chosen based on the design and intended purpose, with many modern kayaks being used for non-intrusive and eco-friendly activities like ecotourism.

7 Modern years

Kayak is not solely a “hunter’s boat” anymore, but it is valued just as much as when the life itself depended on it. Nowadays, kayak is the means to stay fit and healthy, enjoy the great outdoors, venture into the nature, discover the world anew, or just an opportunity to try a new hobby.